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It is almost Christmas and Jeanne Marie is stuck at home with the chicken pox. Just when it seems there is no way to get presents for her family, her grandmother helps find the perfect purple solution.

THE PERFECT PURPLE PRESENT [©2007] by Paula Blais Gorgas and Illustrated by Chet Taylor | Children's Picture Book (rated G) 24 pages color print and book, plus coloring book | Available in ebook, coloring book, hardback, and paperback from the Kittycat Books label of Dragonfly Publishing


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COLOR HARDBACK [EAN 978-0-9794660-4-5 | ISBN 0-9794660-4-0] 8x10 or 8.5x11 library casebound (24 pages color) | Average Price: $19.99

COLOR PAPERBACK [EAN 978-0-9797574-4-0 | ISBN 0-9797574-4-4] 8x10 or 8.5x11 trim (24 pages color) | Average Price: $11.99

B/W COLORING BOOK [EAN 978-1-941278-47-5 | ISBN 1-941278-47-7] 8x10 or 8.5x11 trim (40 pages black/white) | Average Price: $7.99

COLOR EBOOK [EAN 978-1-936381-91-3 | ISBN1-936381-91-5] Available in EPUB and Kindle (color) | Average Price: $3.99

Print editions are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more. Find ebooks at retailers, lending libraries, and subscription services, including: Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Blio, Everand, Kobo Books, Open Library, Overdrive, Smashwords, and more.


"Little Jeanne-Marie's Christmas plans are now topsy-turvy thanks to the chicken pox and, sadly, she is unable to shop for holiday gifts for her family. Her Grand-maman saves the day by teaching Jeanne-Marie that often the most perfect gifts are those that come from the heart. Author Paula Blais Gorgas has given us a delightful, inter-generational story about the true meaning of the spirit of giving. Young readers will love this story and read it again and again." ~ reviewed by L. Langley [FIVE STARS]

"Young readers will be drawn into Gorgas' second holiday picture book by the promise of the perfect present, purple at that. They will stay engaged from the first sentence, which reveals the young heroine's dilemma: Jeanne-Marie is quarantined with chicken pox the week before Christmas and cannot leave home to buy gifts for her family. While members of her family try to console her with predictable suggestions, it's Jeanne-Marie's empathetic Grand Maman who helps her tie loose ends together just in time to present her family a unique contribution to their Christmas celebration. Taylor's lively and colorful characters reflect the story accurately. This story, drawn from Gorgas' childhood experience, belongs high on the stack of Christmas read-aloud books." ~ reviewed by Carole Gill, Children's and Young Adult Librarian [FIVE STARS]